Wednesday, August 16, 2023

10 Best Ideas to Earn Money from Social Media in 2023

  Legit Voice 4 U       Wednesday, August 16, 2023

 10 Best Ideas to Earn Money from Social Media

How to earn money from social media?

Eager to earn money on social media? In this article, you will learn 5 easy ways to earn money using social media. Depending on your areas of interest, you can choose one or more of these ways to earn money.

Social media usage is at an all-time high in the world right now and is still growing. USA or other has become the number one country in the world for Facebook in terms of monthly active users! From the 2017 Digital Yearbook survey by We Are Social, you can see that active social media users around the world are already about to touch 3 billion users! Just imagine how big the market is. All you have to do is to tap this market effectively.

Remember one thing, the primary purpose of social media is to make social connections but that does not mean that you cannot use it to earn money.

If you are someone who is wondering how people in USA are earning in the range of $ 10,000 to $ 10,00,000 per month and even more with their social media, then you have found the right place. It is true that it is possible to earn money online with the help of social media.

You can easily earn money from Twitter and Facebook. In fact, social media ads like Facebook ads, Twitter ads or LinkedIn ads are only for lead/sales generation. So it makes sense not to spam your users with promotional offers.

Mixing informational posts with promotional posts is the right way to build audience and business together on social media.

So, how to earn money from social media? Here are 5 ways to earn money from social media:

There are many ways to make money from social media, and all of them take consistency and hard work. 

In this blog, we are covering all the popular methods that can help you take your social media game to the next level and earn money from social media.

10 Best Ideas to Earn Money from Social Media

10 Best Ideas to Earn Money from Social Media

All you need is a computer, smartphone and a good internet access to make money from social media.

Also, research has shown that an average person spends an average of about 2 hours a day on social media and people are more social media addicts than that.

Here, we are not going to condemn being a social media junkie because you can turn your addiction into money, right? This will happen only if you use the same dedication that you use in scrolling to make money intentionally.

Social media is a very lucrative business if only you know exactly what to do and how to do it.

At the same time, you do not need thousands of followers to earn money on social media. Brands are currently demanding quality over quantity, and that simply means they will pay for smaller audiences with engaging followers.

Most of the upcoming brands are no longer looking for expensive celebrities to advertise their products, they are now looking for common people and influencers with active and engaging followers.

It is not really about the number of followers you have on the social media platform, but who exactly are your followers? are about.

Excellent social media platforms include: Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. Before you came to this article, I think you must be looking for ways to earn money on social media.

This article will help you get started.

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1. Earn money through Instagram

Instagram is one of the two largest social media platforms in USA along with YouTube. There are approximately 115.6 Million active Instagram users in United States and this huge user base creates a monetization opportunity for Instagram users.

Here are 9 ways to earn money from Instagram

Brand Partnerships. As a content creator, you can partner with brands to promote your products and services

  • Promote affiliate link
  • Sponsored content
  • Shopping
  • Fan Memberships and Exclusive Content
  • Licensed Photos and Videos
  • Consulting
  • IGTV Ads
  • badge

Instagram is the most important influencer marketing channel. And the popularity of Instagram has only increased with time. This makes it an ideal platform for advertising, influencer marketing and various types of paid partnerships.

Social media marketing is important for new companies and products

Paid Partnerships are available for Instagram in USA. It allows Influencers (creators) to be paid by brands to place their product and promotional content within their content and promote it to their audience. This allows creators of all types of audience sizes to make money on Instagram in USA.

Brand partnership is one of the biggest ways to earn money on Instagram. Other options are not fully and openly available to all users in USA. For example, Instagram Shopping is only available for a few brands in USA. If you are a D2C brand or creator with a good following, you can apply for the Shopping feature and sell your products directly to followers.

Other features such as donation badges on live streams, ad monetization in Reels, fan memberships and NFTs are not yet available to everyone. We will talk about it in the later part of this blog.

2. How to earn money by writing on Instagram

If you are a poet, writer or artist who is good with words. You have written many short content pieces on your Instagram and you have people who read and appreciate your work. Then half of your work is done to earn money by writing on Instagram. Here we will take an example of a writer who became a popular and widely read author through her work on Instagram:

There are many writers on Instagram who have built their audience by writing amazing poems, short stories and different types of content. If you have a decent number of followers as a writer, you can partner and collaborate with brands that have interests and overlap with your audience. Apart from paid brand endorsements, we have some more tried and tested ideas by other writers on Instagram to make money –

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Here are some ideas that most writers on Instagram can try to make money:

  • sell your book on instagram
  • Create a program where your top fans will pay to appear live with you on Instagram
  • Get paid to review and promote someone's work on your Instagram Page
  • Create a short paid course and sell it in your link
  • Write poems and content for people and brands and get paid
  • Create a paid (premium) group of your top fans and have writing sessions with them

3. Earn Money from Social Media by Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing is one of the best ways to earn money online. Affiliate marketing, in essence, is a way of earning money by promoting products of other companies (like etc.) using your unique affiliate link which you get after signing up with them.

Apart from Amazon (which gives 4% to 10% commission per sale), there are many other networks like ClickBank (for digital products), Rakuten, CJ Affiliate, (for travel) etc., which offer lucrative affiliate deals. offer commission

If you are good at building social media communities and can promote affiliate products using social media ads (just remember the cost of your ads is less than the money you earn) then you can earn a decent amount.

Just remember that it is always a good practice to disclose your affiliate link to your social media audience. This builds a trust with them. Second, don't spam your social media audience with affiliate links as this turns people away. Always keep a healthy ratio of general informational posts (that may be of interest to your audience) and promotional posts (with your affiliate link).

4. How to earn on social media through your own products

You can also create your own products with digital and physical. However, I would recommend starting with digital products (like eBooks, courses, etc.) as they are easier to create and promote and charge less initially to develop products.

For example, you can list your eBook on Amazon Kindle or Clickbank and then promote your eBook link on various social media channels. And once the sales start, all you have to do is collect the payment (being a digital product, you can sell multiple times!).

On the other hand, physical products require huge capital in the development stage and one should go for them only when you have validated the product ideas and have enough capital to invest in its development. That said, it is relatively easy to develop and sell physical products like designer jewelry, crafts, and other household/living products online (you can visit for such product categories).

So, once you decide on your product (digital or physical), you can directly sell it on various social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram etc., or you can sell it on e-commerce sites like Etsy or any other e-commerce platform. Can sell through websites. -Commerce stores that allow such sales.

If you have decided to sell directly on social media, then you have to take care of shipping, customer care, logistics etc. whereas with other e-commerce stores, they take care of these aspects.

5. Collaborate and work with brands

Collaborating and working with brands to create paid content, promote their products, or promote their brand is one of the oldest, proven, and best ways for creators to make money from social media.

No matter how many followers a creator has on social media, there are use cases and ways for them to enter into paid partnerships with brands.

There are two types of brand collaborations:

  • Paid Collaboration: In which the brand will pay you for creating content, posting content and mentioning their brand as per the agreement and campaign requirements.
  • Barter Collaboration: In which the brand will send you their product for free in return of posting some content which is a product of their product.

If you're a new creator, you'll probably start with barter deals and work with brands and marketers to build a reputation. So that you keep getting good deals. As you grow and get better with your content game, you also get paid opportunities.

As a creator, you can even create your own pitch and media kit to showcase what you can do to help a brand promote its products.

6. Create meme and viral content on social media

If you are active on Instagram, Twitter or YouTube, you have come across hundreds of meme (an idea, behavior, style or image that spreads through the Internet often via a social media platform.) pages, funny content and entertaining content posting. Must have seen the channel. There is a big motivation behind active content creation by Pages, Accounts and Channels. This gives them a huge audience and interaction on their content.

For example, Check out this meme page on Instagram. It is one of the biggest meme page on Instagram and it is monetizing it by putting a paid link in their bio. They also partner with brands to promote their products and content.

You don't need to think of creating a meme page with the aim of getting a million followers. Even pages with engaging content and 10K followers in specific categories have the potential to fetch paid collaboration opportunities.

How to earn money from social media in USA. If you have lots of great content in your social media but it is still not developed or a paid partnership? Well, you will become a very skilled, creative and valuable person to work and consult with brands on their social media content strategy.

You can consult with many brands on their social media content strategy, charge a fee, and put your content skills to work.

7. How to make money from social media using YouTube

On YouTube, monetization channels earn anywhere between $1 to $12 per 1000 views on their videos. This payment on YouTube ad monetization varies from region to region. For example, if your channel has a high number of viewers from USA, Canada, Australia, UK and similar countries with high earning per capital, then you will earn more. And if your audience is from USA, South East Asia and other countries with comparatively low per capita income, you will be earning at the lower end of this.

Anyways, keeping in mind the math how much do you earn on youtube. It is one of the biggest platform that provides everyone in United States with the ability to earn money from social media. If you are creative and have found a niche for your content, then you are also a change to earn money from social media.

Creating a successful YouTube channel is not an easy task, in fact, nothing is easy now a days on social media or digital media marketing. Building a successful YouTube channel requires a lot of planning, persistence, hard work, and creativity.

To apply for YouTube monetization, you must have at least 1000 subscribers and 4000 watch time in the last 12 months. Next, you need to make sure that your YouTube channel complies with the YouTube monetization policies to keep it legal to reap the benefits of monetization.

Once you get at least 10,000 public views of your channel videos, you are considered eligible to apply for the YouTube Partner Program. You can visit to see the total number of views for your channel. In addition, your channel must comply with YouTube's Partner Program Policy in order to be approved.

Here are the steps listed by Google to apply for the YouTube Partner Program:

  • Sign in to your YouTube account.
  • In the top right, select your account icon -> Creator Studio
  • In the left menu, select Channel -> Status and features.
  • Under “Monetization”, click Enable.
  • Follow the on-screen steps to accept the YouTube Partner Program Terms.

Promote your video as much as possible by using organic outreach on social media and running social media ads on Facebook. This way you will get extra views on your videos. And in the process, you'll earn money from the ads Google displays on your videos.

There are many full-time YouTubers in USA who have cracked the code of making money from social media in USA.

8. Build an audience on Twitter and earn money

How to make money from social media in USA – Twitter Edition. Twitter is a great social media for people who don't want to create visual content like photos and videos of their own. It allows people to share their thoughts, knowledge and comments on the things happening in the world in less than 280 characters. Which brings out the creativity and sparks conversation among many people.

There are tons of people on Twitter who are using it to earn money, promote their businesses, promote their side gigs, and even build their personal brand.

Show yourself on Twitter:

  • Use your best photo for profile
  • Use a cover photo that represents your personality.
  • Write your Twitter bio to show who you are, what you do, why people should follow you, what your best achievements are, how people will remember you, and more.

Tweet regularly , interact with people and add value to the Twitter community:

  • Follow people you admire and the best in your field of interest on Twitter. Learn from them Follow diverse people to get diverse perspectives on every trending topic.
  • Tweet regularly about the things you're learning, your experiences, jokes and subtle humor, life updates, and whatever else you want to share about yourself with the world. Be careful, a wrong tweet (even unintentionally) can create an image of you that you are not.
  • Reply to other people's Tweets and join ongoing conversations.

Launch Substack on Twitter or Substack :

  • Twitter is coming up with its own monetization feature. One of them is newsletter. Twitter has integrated seamlessly with Revue to help you showcase your newsletter on your profile.
  • With Revue, just like with Subspace, you can create a premium subscription and make your newsletter paid.

Host ticketed locations:

  • Twitter Spaces is a clubhouse-like feature. Where you can create audio rooms in which people can join in real time and talk about a specific topic or have a free chat.
  • Now Twitter has got the option of creating a paid (ticketed) space, where participants will have to pay a ticket price to join.
  • Apart from these, Twitter has recently got the option to create a community. All these features and Twitter's ability to give you organic reach to your content help you to enable and understand how to make money from social media in USA.

9. Earn money from social media by starting a coaching business

If you have some skill that you feel you can teach someone online, then you can start a coaching business. You can conduct online sessions using video calls on Skype, Google Hangouts or Facebook Messenger.

One way to do this is to first build your personal brand. For example, if you specialize in business coaching, you should start building your personal brand on channels like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. To create engaging content and build a community, you should have a social media strategy and a content calendar handy.

Once you have a sufficient number of fans and followers on various channels, you should start promoting and selling your online coaching service. Your coaching service can also be offline but it totally depends on your business goals. But online coaching is very easy as it does not involve overheads like classroom and other conference equipment. To get started, all you need is an internet connection on your laptop!

10. Earn Money on Social Media by Providing Freelance SMM Services

You can also provide freelance social media marketing services to your potential clients. You can provide services like social media auditing, Facebook page management, social media content creation, social media advertising (PPC ads on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.), running social media contests, etc.

You can start your freelance social media marketing business by building your personal brand on social media to attract leads and enquiries. You can do this by writing guest blog posts on social media marketing on popular digital marketing related blogs. You can also create your own website or blog to build your own brand and share your blog posts on various social media channels to drive traffic.

If you can create and share quality content (that is genuinely helpful to your target audience) on a regular basis, you will soon start getting inquiries from potential clients to handle their social media marketing. And once you do a quality job, you'll start getting word-of-mouth references too.

You can also ask your friends or other acquaintances in your professional circle for any social media related project if they are looking for someone to handle it.

Another way to find freelance social media marketing jobs is through freelance sites like –,,, etc. Simply create an account on any of these sites. Add your full professional details and work samples and you are good to go.

You can also get such inquiries by being on top of various social media job groups on Facebook and LinkedIn as a lot of clients look for freelancers on such groups.

Note: You can also opt for full-time social media marketing jobs in various companies. One advantage of a full-time job is relative job security and a steady source of income as long as you perform well as your employer requires.

The Bottom Line:

How to earn money from social media is a topic of interest to many. While there are many social media celebrities that you follow and see every day but would have never tried to try it yourself. Now that you have read this guide on how to make money from social media in USA, you can give it a try.


Thanks for reading 10 Best Ideas to Earn Money from Social Media in 2023

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