Thursday, August 10, 2023

7 Side hustles that will earn you money and save the environment

  Legit Voice 4 U       Thursday, August 10, 2023

Want to make a little extra money while making a positive difference in the world? A sustainable side hustle can put you in the green.

The green economy is booming, and so are the opportunities. For example, over the past five years, the number of jobs in renewables and the environment has grown by 237%, according to LinkedIn's Green Economy Report 2022. With more companies and consumers looking for green solutions, the need for sustainable services is skyrocketing.

And here's the good news. You don't have to change careers to jump into the sustainability market. There are so many side hustles to consider. Here's something.

side hustle work

Side hustles that will earn you money and save the environment

1. Farmers Market Operator

Farmers' markets aren't just for farmers. Whether you have a large acreage in the country or a small apartment in the city, selling your produce at a farmer's market is a great way to earn some extra money.

If you're a gardener, consider selling your bounty of seasonal fruits and vegetables. Set yourself apart by offering unique items like herbs, dried fruits, and old fashioned tomatoes.

You can also sell potted houseplants, outdoor plants, or seeds so people can grow their own.

If you love baking, how about some delicious sweet and savory pies?

2. Curbside Recycler

Earn cash from other people's trash.

One reason people don't recycle more is that, in many areas, it isn't convenient enough. You can address this problem by starting a curbside recycling business.

Companies like TerraCycle and BoxCycle will provide boxes and even pick up the trash for you. All you have to do is collect the recyclable items and manage the business. Some recyclable items that can earn you money are:

  • bottles and cans
  • old books
  • wine cork
  • cardboard box
  • ink cartridges
  • unused gift cards
  • old electronics
  • scrap metals
  • batteries
  • Clothing, Accessories & Home Goods

While you won't be retiring on this money, you can earn some extra cash doing little chores and cleaning up the planet. For example, your used cans can earn you about $5 per pound.

3. Curbside Composter

Similar to curbside recycling, curbside composting is also a growing market. Many municipalities do not offer composting programs, leaving residents with piles of food going in the garbage.

But one person's waste is another's opportunity.

By some estimates, an individual or household may end up with 25% of their waste through composting. Create a curbside recycling unit that will collect anything plant or animal-based and transport it to a privately operated facility for convenience.

Companies like CompostNow offer partnerships to start your composting business.

4. Tailor

Do you have sewing machine? Consider running a business that helps customers get their clothes fixed. Clothing repair helps lighten the load on landfills and provides a service that everyone can use. Making clothes last longer not only saves people money, but also creates a net positive impact on the environment.

It's win-win.

So how do you sew dough? Start by swapping out some clothes for friends and co-workers. Once you feel confident, expand outside your inner circle by using Facebook and local advertising to market yourself. Also, consider taking a part-time job at a local tailor or dry cleaner that offers tailoring.

5. Sustainable Product Manufacturer

The market for sustainable goods is huge, as customers are willing to pay more for green goods.

So how do you satisfy this urge to shop green? The scope of this path is broad, but you want to think about an item that can be in demand and can be produced sustainably.

For example, a soap that's made from sustainable ingredients or net-zero pet good company.

6. Recycled Products Manufacturer

One person's trash can be your treasure. As a side hustle, start a business that makes products from recycled materials.

For example, an entrepreneur can make bike racks from recycled plastic, furniture from recycled tires, or even use recycled stainless steel to make water bottles.

Connect with recycling centers and manufacturers in your area and start thinking of ways a business could come to life.

7. Green Company Investor

Many people choose to invest as a side hustle. What if you focused this investment solely on the green market?

Wall Street is increasingly betting on companies with environmental, social and governance (ESG) ethics, and major stock brokers are offering sustainable funds that focus on these companies.

Investing in green companies not only helps these companies financially, but it can help them achieve notoriety.


Thanks for reading 7 Side hustles that will earn you money and save the environment

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