Thursday, August 10, 2023

Houston Texas Accident Lawyer on Rideshare App

  Legit Voice 4 U       Thursday, August 10, 2023

Ridesharing apps are one of the most popular ways people stay connected today.

From world travelers to everyday commuters, people from all walks of life use ridesharing apps like Lyft and Uber to get from point A to point B. Unfortunately, ridesharing vehicles are not immune to auto accidents. More than 100,000 accidents are linked to ridesharing each year.

If you've been involved in an auto accident while riding in a Lyft or Uber, hiring a knowledgeable attorney is a good place to start. The attorneys at Sutliff & Stout have experience handling ridesharing accident claims and are here to help.

Houston Rideshare Accident Lawyers

Understanding Uber and Lyft Car Accident Insurance

One of the most unique factors about car accidents involving Uber and Lyft vehicles is the insurance policies they carry. Drivers who operate vehicles for each of these companies have their own individual insurance policies as well as company insurance plans. The coverage provided by each policy in the event of an accident depends on the driver's actions and whether or not the driver was en route with the customer.

There are significant differences between the insurance policies that Uber and Lyft provide to their drivers. The best way to navigate that situation and understand liability as it applies to your accident is to hire a trusted attorney who understands ridesharing policies.

What Are Common Rideshare Accident Injuries in Houston?

When you ride in an Uber or Lyft, you take the same risk as you would if you were driving your own car. On any given day, you can be involved in a car accident that results in serious injuries. Common injuries caused by ridesharing accidents include:

  • wound
  • broken bones
  • Sprain
  • neck injuries
  • back injuries
  • traumatic brain injuries
  • ptsd

Some injuries only take a few days to heal while others take weeks, months or even years. Whether your accident was the fault of your rideshare driver or the driver of another vehicle, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries.

Can I be compensated for my injuries from a rideshare accident?

After a car accident that causes injuries, medical bills can pile up quickly. A knowledgeable car accident attorney can help you make sense of the complex situation you are in and help you develop a plan for a winning settlement that enables you to recover financially. Common issues for victims of rideshare accidents to win compensation include:

  • Medical bill
  • Rehabilitation
  • Long term medical treatment
  • Medical equipment
  • Medical
  • Lost wages
  • Future wage loss
  • Pain and suffering

Some problems for which you are eligible for compensation do not have a direct price tag attached to them. An attorney who has experience with ridesharing accidents will take you through the process to determine the responsible party and the total compensation you are entitled to according to the law.

Hire an Experienced Rideshare Accident Attorney in Houston

The ridesharing accident attorneys at Sutliff & Stout Injury and Accident Law Firm have over a decade of experience winning settlements for people like you. We provide a personalized approach to legal services and are firm in our belief that competent legal representation is a fundamental right.

If you have been injured in a ride sharing accident while riding in an Uber or Lyft vehicle, we want to help. We have won millions of dollars in settlements for individuals throughout Houston. To get justice in your car accident case, you need our experienced team. Call 281-853-8446 or contact us online today for a free consultation with our board-certified attorneys.


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