Thursday, August 10, 2023

How to earn money from Quora? Easy Steps

  Legit Voice 4 U       Thursday, August 10, 2023

 How to earn money from Quora? Easy Steps

Do you want to know how to earn money from Quora? Follow these steps to help grow your business or earn a little extra income.

What is Quora?

Quora is a question and answer website based in the United States. Quora is an interesting site that feels like a mix of a search engine and a social network, but it aims to provide you with answers as well as allow you to answer others' questions in areas where you have expertise. .

Quora has become a platform where people can go to ask and answer questions. Besides having answers on virtually anything and everything, it can also be used to earn money.

Official Website of Quora

make money on quora

How to earn money from Quora? Easy Steps

How can I earn money from Quora? There are a few ways to make money on Quora – organically and through paid advertising.

This tutorial will discuss both the options.

Step 1: Get set up on the site

You will need to set yourself up on with a username and password. It is a simple process. You can choose to log in by connecting using an account you already have with Google or Facebook. You can also choose to enter your email address.

If you don't already have an account, this will trigger a prompt for you to sign up.

Step 2: Ask Questions

Get familiar with the platform to see how it works. Ask a question or two to see what kind of responses you can get. You may want to ask questions to learn more about your audience.

There is a red button on the home screen of Quora that says Add Question. You can click on that or you can use the question box at the top which says, What is your question or link. Either way, this will bring you to this box:

How to make money from Quora - Ask Question

You are given prompts on how to ask your question. Additionally, you can choose whether you want your question listed as Public, Anonymous or Limited. You also have the ability to include a link to help you in context.

When you have completed your question, hit the blue button at the bottom that says “Add Question”

earn money on quora

Questions will help you stay active on Quora. Know your audience. Ask a few questions related to your industry or area of ​​interest.

Then, dig into the people who are answering the questions.

Each time you receive a reply, click on the profile picture of the person who replied.

You can see some blank spaces they follow. You may also decide to follow them as a way to boost your activity level and get more insightful questions displayed on the home screen.

Review your statistics

You have the ability to review your statistics to see how many people are watching you and answering questions you've been asked.

For this click on your profile picture and then click on Your Content & Stats.

quora profile

Once you click on “Stats”, you will have the chance to dive into all the statistics more comprehensively.

It will also help you understand what questions people are more likely to answer so you can be more successful in the future.

Step 3: Answer the questions

As you answer the questions, there is an opportunity to include a link. Whether you are a business or you are an affiliate marketer, you have links that you want to use. These can be included in your response so people can click on it.

Then, when people make purchases from the links you've provided, you'll earn money through your affiliate (or directly from your website as a business).

If you have a business Affiliate Marketing, then you can earn money on Quora.

Find questions from your feed or do a Quora search on a topic you feel comfortable answering. Once you have found a question, click on “Answer” below the question.

Add link on Quora

The first thing you want to do is “Edit Credential.” This is your chance to tell your readers why you are able to provide a knowledgeable answer.

make money on quora

You will click on “Add a credential” and choose from the available options including Employment, Education, Location, Subject and Language. You can add as many credentials as you want.

Once your credentials are established, you'll want to go ahead and answer. Click on the word or phrase to which you want to attach the link and click on the button below. You may include more than one link throughout your response.

The recommended length of the answer is between 300 and 1000 words. Ideally, you should keep your paragraphs to no more than 4 lines.

Then, click on the blue “Submit” button at the bottom.

Create Business Profile

When you run a business, one way to make money on Quora is by having a presence. When you provide practical answers to the questions people have, they'll view you as an expert. They will want to know more about your business.

More traffic to your website allows you to make more money, whether you're collecting leads or selling e-commerce.

To create your business profile, you will click on your profile photo at the top right of the platform and click on the right and arrow.

Click on your name, where you will be brought to different aspects of your profile.

earn money on quora credentials

It's similar to filling out a LinkedIn profile.

Quora Credentials and Highlights

Take your time to think about the different things you want to include. You can add as many credits as you want in the fields of employment, education and location.

The rest of your profile will be built based on your Quora activity. People will be able to see how many spaces you're active in, what topics you're knowledgeable about, and the number of questions and answers you've contributed to the platform.

Additionally, people have the ability to follow you, notify you, and ask you a question directly.

It's in your best interest to be as thorough as possible because it will give you confidence as you continue to build your brand and make money on Quora.

Statistics Review

As you review the statistics for the questions you ask, you can also see more about the questions you answer. Answers can be rated with upvote or downvote. It is also possible to share the answer in a space or on other social media platforms.

Apart from this, comments can also be made on the answers.

You have these options when you review the answers and you can see when you decide to dig a little deeper.

Step 4: Find Quora Spaces

What are Quora Spaces? It is an idea that was launched in 2018. This is a chance to make more sense of Quora than to join the open field where questions can be of any topic.

You have the ability to create a space, which will allow you to focus on a particular subject.

You can discover the space as a way to connect with others in the industry you work in or an area of ​​interest that you are knowledgeable about.

Joining Quora Spaces will be beneficial for you to gain more followers, find questions you can answer, and join a community that can bring you more affiliate clicks or traffic to your business.

On the far left of the home screen is a button that says Discover Spaces. Click on the plus sign.

From there, you're brought to the main area of ​​Quora Spaces. You can follow any space shown on the screen by clicking on the blue follow button.

Create a Quora Space

quora spaces

Once you click on Create Space, you have the ability to name your space and add a one-line description to it. After your space is created, you can share interests, curate content, and even host discussions.

This can be an effective way to manage your brand and get more traffic to your business or online business.

Search Quora Spaces

By clicking on Discover Spaces, you can see the many spaces out there. You can see the number of people who are following them, so you can include more people at once.

Step 5: Sign up for the Quora Partner Program

You have the ability to earn money online without any business. You can easily learn how to earn money from Quora Partner Program. The program allows you to earn money when you publish questions.

You earn money based on the number of views your questions get.

When the views are more then you earn more money. The reason Quora is willing to pay you is because they get money through advertising.

Your question page can contain an ad – and Quora can make more money from ad spend.

To start the Quora Partner Program, you must have received an invitation. That's right.

The only way to be able to move forward with this aspect is if you are already settled enough on the platform that Quora considers your questions valuable enough.

The invitation will come by email, which is linked to your account.

Once you have received this email, you can click View invitation to follow the prompts to sign up.

Here are some tips for getting an invitation:

  • Quality writing
  • Question and answer posting level
  • the field you are in
  • number of followers

So, when it comes to making money with the Quora Partner Program, it starts with being active enough to receive invitations.

Asking questions that pay you

Questions are what makes you money through the Quora Partner Program, so you need to be diversified.

While there is no "right" question, it is interesting enough that people will feel inspired to ask.

Some suggestions:

  • Go for popular topics so they have the potential to go viral
  • Choose questions that elicit emotional answers
  • Do not repeat questions already asked
  • Remember, how do you make money with Quora? You have to ask questions regularly.
  • Finally, don't forget to stay engaged on Quora by asking questions about the program yourself.

Many people have been on the platform for years and already know the best tips and tricks to earn extra money.

3 Effective Ways to Make Money from Quora

Quora Partner Program

The Quora Partner Program is an official program operated by Quora. According to Quora, if you are an active user of the platform, then you can join this program and after joining the program, you can earn money by asking questions on the platform.

How to join Quora Partner Program?

Joining this program is a bit tricky, as you cannot join the partner's program directly. The only way to join the Partner Program is by invitation from Quora. Only Quora can invite you to join the Program through your email.

The following are the criteria for receiving invitations from Quora, however, some users have reported receiving invitations before they have fully met these criteria. While some users reported that, even after meeting the criteria, they had to wait a long time.

Criteria to join the Quora Partner Program:

  • You should have more than one lakh views.
  • You must be an active member of the Platform, and you must ask questions regularly.
  • Your answers should be authentic and credible, so you will be seen as a genuine Quora user who cares about the platform.
  • You should complete full profile with profile picture, description, education etc.
  • Your questions should be popular and viral, so that you will be benefited from Quora's point of view.

How much money can you make from the Quora Partner Program?

Once you are invited by Quora, and you have accepted the invitation, you will get a share of the revenue, which depends on the views your question gets and the advertising revenue.

You can expect $2000 per year, and it will gradually increase as your question gets more ideas.

The advantages and disadvantages of Quora Partner Program are as follows:-


  • You will get passive income.
  • You will get paid according to your ideas.


  • Entry Barrier: Joining is hard.
  • They have reduced the number of invitations sent.
  • You can get money only when ads run on your questions.

2. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a primary way for many Quora users to make money. Affiliate marketing is a type of marketing in which you get an immediate reward in the form of commission when you get sales from your marketing campaign.

Quora receives over 300 million new visitors every month, making it one of the largest platforms for marketing.

Let us see how things work with an example –

Paresh is an Amazon Affiliate Marketer, and has registered himself in the Amazon Associate Program. He uses Quora to write about books, he adds his affiliate links to relevant Quora answers.

One day his answer about a book titled 'The Intelligent Investor' went viral, garnering over 50k views. Just 500 people bought the book from his affiliate link after reading his answer on Quora.

The price of the book was $15, and he gets only 5% commission = $0.75, 500 people bought using his link, which means he earned $375 as commission.

In this example, we have used the example of the Amazon Affiliate Program, but there are many affiliate programs with very high commission rates.

Some Affiliate Programs:

  • Shein Affiliate Program – up to 11%
  • Nike Affiliate Program – up to 8%
  • Canva Affiliate Program – less than 5%
  • AliExpress Affiliate Program – up to 10%
  • Amazon Affiliate Program – Up to 10%


  • passive income
  • easy registration
  • Join Multiple Affiliate Programs
  • no input


  • it takes time to get results
  • Many websites offer low commission rates such as 1%, which is not worth the time.

3. Quora Space Subscription

The Quora Space subscription plan is a plan for readers to access premium content on Quora. The monthly plan costs $6.99 per month, and the annual plan will cost you $3.99 per month. After purchasing the plan, you can browse Quora ad-free and access premium content on Quora.

Now, if you are a Quora writer then you can earn from Quora Space subscription plan.

As a Quora author, you can create a space on Quora, and publish two types of content: free and paid content. The free will be for everyone, and the paid content will be exclusively for Quora+ members and your Space customers.

If you think your content has enough value that you can charge people for access to your content, then you can put your content behind a paywall.

Here are a few things to know about Spaces subscription-

  • As the owner of the Quora space, you can decide the price of the subscription.
  • The minimum subscription price is $0.99
  • 60% of the subscription revenue will be yours, and the remaining 40% will be for using the Quora platform.
  • For example, if you have 50 members in your space and you're charging them $10 a month, your total revenue would be $500. Out of which you will get only $300, the rest $200 will go to Quora.
  • You can also post free content on your post.
  • Your subscribers can access all your posts for both free and paid content.

How to create space on Quora?

  • Step 1: To create a space on Quora, first go to Quora and log in to your account.
  • Step 2: Tap on Profile and Click on Monetization
  • Step 3: Tap on Creating a Space
  • Step 4: Add a Name and a Brief Description, if Name is available then click on Next

Now, you have successfully created a space!

Add your content to it and later you can add your content behind a paywall, meaning premium subscribers only, here's how to do it.

Step 5: Go to your space To go directly to your space – type the name of your space, then

Once in your space, tap 'Get Started'

Step 6: Read and agree to all the terms and afterwards tap on Enable Now.

Step 7: Then choose your content for monetization, marketing to add premium customers to your space and earn from Quora!


  • high revenue
  • regular income
  • profitable community


  • 40% revenue will be deducted
  • it is very difficult to get subscribers

Bonus Method: Earn Money From Quora By Promoting Your Website/Business

You can also earn money by promoting your website or business on Quora. Many startups do this, they answer questions and promote their business in between answers.

This type of marketing is known as 'Influencer Marketing'

If people benefit from your answer and find you a trustworthy author, they become your loyal audience. Later, you can monetize your audience by promoting your products or services.

If you feel it is unethical, you can mention in your post that you are a member or owner of the organization, therefore you are recommending them, their product or services. In this way, you will be able to maintain the trust of your audience as well.

How long will it take to start earning money from Quora?

If your questions are going viral and you are making consistent efforts, you may need 2-4 months. However, according to many users, it took them 2 years to start earning money on Quora.

The Bottom Line:

These were the unique ways to earn money from Quora, you can also use all three methods at the same time to earn well. But remember, you can only be successful if your content provides value to others.

Quora is a great concept where you get practical answers to your problems. That's why millions of people visit Quora every month.

However, in terms of revenue, many people are unaware that they actually make good money from Quora.

Quora is a great passive income source, unlike Instagram and YouTube where the monetization terms are so tough that you need to put in many hours of work to see little results. Here on Quora you can monetize yourself right from the start, and that would be a good side as well.

Hope you find this article helpful. We wish you the best of luck on your maker journey.


Thanks for reading How to earn money from Quora? Easy Steps

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