Thursday, August 10, 2023

Understand "interrogatories" in a Florida personal injury case

  Legit Voice 4 U       Thursday, August 10, 2023

Understand "interrogatories" in a Florida personal injury case - After a vehicle accident, accident victims should first seek medical help. Then he was asked by Florida Car Accident Attorney Randall Spivey of Spivey Law Firm, Personal Injury Attorney, P.A. should contact. (Spyway Law) to help them obtain the benefits they are entitled to as a victim of a negligent driver.

Florida personal injury case

There can be a program to meet the victims of vehicle accident. There are no costs or attorney fees until after the firm has obtained a monetary recovery for the clients.

Spivey Law will draft and send a demand letter to the insurance company, giving them an opportunity to settle without litigation. This letter will explain the accident, injuries, medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. With this letter, the insurance company can offer a favorable solution.

If settlement negotiations with the insurance company end without a settlement, the Spavey Law Firm may file a personal injury lawsuit (complaint) for its client (plaintiff). The defendant (being sued for negligence) shall file a reply to the complaint.

During the discovery phase, both the plaintiff and the defendant exchange information regarding the facts about the accident, the plaintiff's allegations, and the defendant's responses to the allegations. This exchange of information is called an "enquiry".

Various types of questions can be asked through interrogation. Generally, they are open-ended questions but sometimes they can be a list of topics for only one party to answer. The inquiry must be in writing and under oath. Copies of relevant documents may need to be included, or a separate discovery tool called a request for the production of documents may be used.

Interrogation will require a level of detail, so it is important for the plaintiff to work with a Florida personal injury attorney to assist them. Spivey Law Firm will assist its client in answering these inquiries and guide their client every step of the way.

Generally, there are four types of interrogatories in Florida personal injury cases which include court approved form interrogatories. These types are:

  • General Personal Injury Negligence - Interrogating the Plaintiff
  • General Personal Injury Negligence - Interrogating Defendants
  • Automobile Negligence - Interrogating the Plaintiff
  • Automobile Negligence - Interrogating Defendants

Both automobile negligence forms are used in conjunction with general personal injury negligence forms.

Potential Benefits for Customers

An accident victim's life can change forever after an accident caused by someone else's negligence. They may be entitled to certain benefits which include:

  • Medical expenses resulting from the accident - These medical expenses may include current and future medical bills, out-of-pocket expenses, X-rays, physical therapy and prescription drugs.
  • Loss of Earning and Earning Capacity – This includes reimbursement of wages lost while recovering from injuries and loss of earning capacity, i.e. potential earning potential during the time the accident victim may not be able to work.
  • Pain and Suffering - Pain and suffering may be awarded under Florida Statutes 627.737. These damages include pain and suffering, disability, disfigurement, loss of vital, mental anguish, and loss of ability to enjoy life for the past and future.
  • Loss of companionship, consortium and enjoyment of life – Under Florida law, accident victims must have been involved in a personal injury accident that harmed or limited their ongoing relationship with the person suing for benefits .
  • Obtaining compensation benefits in a personal injury lawsuit is complicated, and accident victims should not try to handle their cases alone. Insurance company adjusters work for the insurance company, not accident victims.

"Should you or someone you love be injured in an accident, after seeking medical treatment, please contact The Spy Law Firm, Personal Injury Attorneys, P.A. 24/7 at 239.337.7483, toll- Contact us toll free 1.888.477.4839, or online at We represent people involved in many types of personal injury and wrongful death accidents throughout the state of Florida. All of our clients have unique personal injury cases. . Our firm provides aggressive representation as well as personal contact and communication," said Florida car accident attorney Randall Spivey.

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