Thursday, August 17, 2023

Hit-and-run accident: How to behave properly as a victim

  Legit Voice 4 U       Thursday, August 17, 2023

What should road accident victims do if the person who caused the accident hit and run? Find out in this guide.

Hit and run is not a trivial offense. who are involved in an accident and simply remove themselves from the scene of the accident should not hope for mercy. This also applies if they have only caused minor property damage. 

It is all the more important that hit-and-run victims, as injured parties, adjust to the situation as far as possible and know what to do.

Hit-and-run accident

Hit and run: Securing the scene of the accident and securing evidence with photos

Normally, you first secure the scene of the accident and, in the event of a serious traffic accident with injuries or death, call the police via the emergency call and the rescue service. Then write down the date and time and the data you know about the person who caused the accident. This includes, for example, the vehicle's license plate number . If possible, photograph the scene of the accident and all visible damage caused by the accident. You also try to locate witnesses.

Call the police to secure evidence of the accident

After that, you should definitely inform the police via the emergency call. You should point out that you have become the victim of a hit and run. You should also state that you are dependent on the local police and, of course, state the location of the accident. You should make sure that the officials on site also secure all recognizable signs of an accident on your vehicle. These are, for example, traces of paintwork, broken glass, etc. It is best to also pay attention to whether there are traces of paintwork on your car from the vehicle of the person who caused the accident.

Even minor damage should be taken seriously

In the event of a hit-and-run, you should call the police immediately as the injured party, even if the damage to your vehicle is probably only minor. Because the hit-and-run gives them a much heavier weight. Otherwise you may violate your obligations towards your comprehensive insurance. This can result in them not paying for the damage. In addition, it is also possible that serious damage has occurred that cannot be readily identified. This also applies to injuries sustained. It is possible, for example, that you have suffered whiplash without even realizing it.

How to Claims settlement after a car accident - Guide

File a criminal complaint after an accident

If you haven't already done so, you should file a criminal complaint with the police now - among other things because you left the scene of the accident without permission. It is best to file a criminal complaint against unknown persons. You should also attach all evidence such as photos to the criminal complaint. This criminal complaint can be filed online via the Internet. However, you can also go to a police station for this purpose. In this case, you should also take your identity card with you.

Contact a doctor or an ambulance

As a hit-and-run victim, you should also see a doctor as soon as possible to be on the safe side. This applies in any case if they may have suffered an injury as a result of the accident. Apart from the treatment, this serves to document these injuries. This is partly done with pictures. If you cannot reach a doctor, you can also go to the emergency room of a hospital. Some communities also have a forensic outpatient clinic for victims of violence . It is best to call them beforehand to find out to what extent you are also responsible for victims of traffic accidents as a result of securing evidence in the case of a hit-and-run. The doctors working there are specially trained as forensic doctors, especially in the legally compliant documentation of the consequences of injuries.

Engage a lawyer in criminal proceedings

If, after investigations by the police and public prosecutor's office, charges are brought against the person who caused the accident, it is best to consult a lawyer who specializes in traffic matters. Among other things, it must be clarified whether you are acting as a joint plaintiff. Something like this comes into consideration, among other things, if you were injured in the accident or even a close relative was killed. The advantage is that by being a party to the litigation, your rights as a victim may be protectedcan be better preserved.


Thanks for reading Hit-and-run accident: How to behave properly as a victim

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